The logic-destructive explanation of the word BrightSightSeeing

Dutch translation

The term “BrightSightSeeing” was invented by Jaco in a burst of creative insanity while attempting to repair his coffee mug with glitter glue and a broken Christmas ornament.

This occurred during one of our chaotic yet utterly idiotic live streams on our YouTube channel ‘ParanormalVoices’ where Jaco, out of nowhere, blurted out the verb “brightsightseeing” as a variation of “bright side seeing.”

This self-fabricated pun, created by a man who was neither drunk nor high, is a combination of the verb “sightseeing” and the well-known slogan “look at the bright side of life.”

It was born after we had once again done a wacky paranormal live item, as there were no ghosts to be found in this tiny country, except for stray garden gnomes, and we were driving home again.

So, we decided to give our loyal American and other foreign viewers a glimpse of this incredibly boring country with its dirty, narrow ditches.

jaco and celesta in the car

While we casually missed a speed bump and the camera swung back and forth like a cat with ADHD chasing a laser pointer, fun conversations and situations arose and so something fun and positive was always attached to boring landscapes so boring that even the weeds wander around aimlessly with a view so monotonous that it lulls your brain to sleep and sights that no one knows what they are or what exactly you are looking at.

BrightSightSeeing was born.

With this new, not-sure-if-I-can-handle-it-positive word, we want to experience and bring attention to interesting and/or touristy places and sights (instead of ghost hunting) in a fun way, as we are getting on in years and consider this our pre-retirement.

Despite the fact that we have experienced our fair share of absurdity and utter craziness together in life (perhaps like many others), we want to continue to look at life (what’s left of it) from the bright side.