Medieval Market Mishaps: The Day I Accidentally Kidnapped a Stranger

Fluit person

Today we went to the Medieval market and because the weather was such a fantastically summer-y mix of rain and an overdose of storms, we were all forced to huddle indoors, packed like sardines.

But the best part? There I stood, amidst a medieval crowd, wildly flailing my hands and grabbing at what I thought were the hands of my 84-year-old mother (who, by the way, turns out to be a ninja when it comes to disappearing in crowds).

Thinking I had finally found her, I grabbed her hand and immediately dragged her off to the next stall. Turns out, I had actually grabbed the hand of a complete stranger, officially turning myself into someone’s unexpected therapy session. Sorry, random dude who probably still has nightmares of a sweaty woman dragging him through a cramped space, wondering if he was part of a kidnapping.

Can happen. Anyway. At least with me, because why would I have a normal day when I can also thrust random strangers into awkward situations and amplify my own social discomfort?