Dutch translation

Beyond Hollywood blockbusters

Welcome to BrightSightSeeing, where we spill the coffee beans on our rollercoaster entrepreneurial ride of triumphs, tribulations, and everything crazy in between.

Don’t expect your typical entrepreneurial success story; we’ve faced more plot twists than a Hollywood blockbuster!

We share our unique story as an extremely stubborn entrepreneurial couple and started in 1989 when we dived without thinking into the exclusive coffee importing business.

Our story isn’t your typical ‘rise to the top’ tale, but a caffeinated saga of success and survival on an absurd journey of triumph and resilience amid the ever so delightful unpredictable surprises and moronic challenges.

We’ve faced more hurdles than a caffeine-addict trying to quit cold turkey!

From rich to poor and up again

From reaching the summit of success to tackling health hurdles and cursing triumphing over debts during those nail-biting moments, we’ve mastered the art of being aware of how the system works and how to play it. It taught us to think for ourselves and eventually finding the right track back again.

If you’re an entrepreneur, employer or have no job at all in need of a mood booster or a shot of inspiration: BrightSightSeeing is your caffeine-infused haven. We’ll serve up insane anecdotes seasoned with humor and sarcasm, because let’s face it, life isn’t always sunshine and roses.

Our stories will leave you inspired, laughing, and wondering if you need another coffee refill to keep up with the excitement. We think that aside it all lie some invaluable lessons we’ve learned that make us bona fide resilience experts.

Unorthodox entrepreneurial tactics

During the jaw-dropping moments in our idiotic journey there might be lying around some unorthodox entrepreneurial but also non-entrepreneurial tactics. It really doesn’t matter because in times of debt and wanting to tilt a bucket of vomit over someone’s head; we all have to deal with the same institutions and money grabbers.

Forget life’s rulebook; we’ve made our own playbook and we’ll be sharing our tips and opinions on how to keep your head high at all times even when the grounds seem a little shaky.

We hope you’ll explore how to caffeinate your spirit and bounce back again, no matter how many times life spills your plans.

Your dose of human resilience

Please follow us on this buzz-worthy ride, and let’s turn challenges into opportunities, one espresso shot at a time!

Let the BrightSightSeeing begin!

Warning: side effects may include uncontainable bursts of motivation, an addiction to go against what is considered normal, and the urge to share our viral content with everyone you know.

Proceed with a sense of humor and a desire for saying how it is.

Remember, in the face of challenges, it’s not just about seeing the bright side, but above all seeing the bright sight; it’s about creating it!

Despite the fact that we (perhaps like many others) have experienced our fair share of the absurd and completely crazyness together, we want to continue looking at life (what’s left of it) from the bright side.

On BrightSightSeeing, our self-made pun combining the verb ‘sightseeing‘ and the well-known phrase ‘look at the bright side of life‘, will we cheerfully explore and highlight interesting and/or tourist spots and attractions.

Welcome to BrightSightSeeing: your dose of human resilience served with a witty daring twist.